Writing about what I love
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A Day in the Life: Don’t Skip Ahead
As we’re nearing the end of one month and looking to the beginning of a new one, I’m confronted again with my inability to finish things well, with my tendency to skip ahead to the next thing. In an effort to quell this propensity, I’m reflecting on my May, all the way to its 31st day. June can (and should) wait.
My Virtual Bookshelf: My 2023 Reading List & Year in Review
Hi Friends! I’m back with another virtual bookshelf review, as well as a general 2023 year in review!
Life Update: Blog Relaunch & 2024 Goals
I’m so excited to begin a brand new year and with it, brand new goals that I’m eager to share with you all. Life Update: We had a baby and I’m now a fulltime stay-at-home mom! I’m also relaunching my blog as a place for me to write about new motherhood, reading and writing, and glorifying God in ordinary life.
My 2022 Reading List | My 2022 in Review
2022 is over and I was nowhere near my reading goal for the year. I read 11 books last year, which isn’t great considering how many I read in 2020 and 2021, both linked below.
BUT, I also had a busy year, what with getting married, quitting a stressful job, starting a new job (that I love, btw), and traveling quite a bit. So I figured in addition to my 2022 booklist, I’d also include brief updates of what I did this year.
First Married Christmas: Building an Ornament Collection
On Saturday, December 3rd, Tucker and I brought a tree home and set it up in our living room - our first Christmas tree as married. On Sunday, December 18th, we finally finished decorating it. We started some traditions last year, with our first and only engaged Christmas, like buying a real tree and putting the lights on together. But this year is our first married Christmas together, and here’s how we built an ornament collection.
Fill the Space
It’s been about a year since I’ve had a roommate, and I think I’ve discovered that living with someone else is better than living alone. At least for me.